Thursday, June 14, 2012
30 weeks
Here is another little pregnancy update. My summer has started and I am trying to soak it all up before the little one arrives. I am excited about him coming but I'm also just trying to take it easy and one day at a time. One thing I do wish is that I could drink as much iced coffee and beer as I want... and wine... and I want to work out. I want to work out HARD! I really miss it. Sometimes i feel like getting up and trying but I know I would hurt myself. I only have 9 weeks left... that's not very long! I need to stop looking forward and start enjoying now. While it lasts. I really am just kind of done being pregnant though. I want to meet my little rascal! :) Ok, now for the little update:
How far along? 30 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain: the dr. told me I've gained about 17 but my scale at home says 25... hmm...
Maternity clothes? Definitely. Right now I'm wearing yoga pants and workout clothes... pretty much the comfiest thing.
Stretch marks? No! God has blessed me!
Sleep: Yeah, sleep would be nice... jk... I sleep pretty good but get up at least three times to pee and I also wake up every time I turn over because it's so much work.
Best moment this week: Hmm... I dunno, anytime I'm with Jordan is the best moment. I love him.
Miss Anything? I miss beer. Especially right now at the beginning of summer. I want an ice cold beer.
Movement: My goodness, yes. He is a mover and a shaker.
Food cravings: I want sweet things... but is that abnormal?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much.
Gender: Boy. woop WOOOOP!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Ha. where do I begin? Back pain, acid indigestion, hot flashes, emotional, hungry all the time but no room in my smooshed stomach for food...
Belly Button in or out? in still.. it looks like it's smiling.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Seeing Jordan when he gets off of work every day. I am soaking up every moment as just Jordan and I before the baby gets here...
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