First: R. Keeth Matheny -
Second: Parenting with Love & Logic:
Third: The Whole Brain Child: Dr. Daniel Siegel
Below is an example chart like the one we discussed in the episode.
Identify your time of struggle:
Ex: Bath time
What is the plan:
Jobs we can help to engage the little
How do we know if we are starting to
De- Escalation Techniques
Kid needs to get cleaned What is your goal? Get him cleaned What is your fluff that is not important? It doesn’t have to be a bath, it can be a shower. Get rid of the toys that cause him to want to stay longer and cause a problem. Are there any distractions? Get rid of the phone. |
Have him wash his own body with
the loofa. Help him put his own shampoo in his hair.
Triggers? Yelling from the toddler Physiological Responses? My heart starts racing Is your phone in your hand? If it is, let it go and drop kick it sister! |
Create a signal with your child that you need
a break
Do not speak. Or say your empathetic one
liner, but don’t engage.
Put your hands behind your back to avoid
physical contact with your child.
Remove yourself from the situation
Move it or Lose it: Jumping Jacks, Yoga,
Stretches, deep breathing technique (Breath-in 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds,
Breath-out 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds- Repeat), meditate, pray
Avoid your phone
Identify your time of struggle:
What is the plan:
Jobs we can help to engage the little
How do we know if we are starting to
De- Escalation Techniques
What is your goal? What is your fluff that is not important? Are there any distractions? |
Triggers? Physiological Responses? Is your phone in your hand? |
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