Thursday, April 1, 2010


"A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord." - Oswald Chambers

Where does your heart lie? What is your hearts desire? Chambers was specifically referring to the fact that some Christians really don't care about people. Our first priority seems to be ourselves... which is generally true of most people. My question, however, is more broad... What is your hearts desire? Look at your life and examine it. What do you focus most of your attention on? What are you striving after? What do you care the most about? What is something you are passionate about?

I thought about those questions... and I had a few different things come to mind. Then, I had a thought... Shouldn't I desire Christ the most? Shouldn't I be most passionate about Him? Well, obviously! I think that it goes without saying that Christ should come first in all areas of our lives... I also think that It's okay to have things we are passionate about... Desires that the Lord gives us to bring us closer to Him. Desires that are not of the Lord need to be completely removed... cut off from your life. I have a list of things that need to be removed... who doesn't? I can already tell that this process that God is taking me through right now will be a long one, but it's SO worth it!

He has definitely answered my prayer of giving me a huge desire to get to know Him more on a daily basis...

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